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No. of Pandit: 1

Price: 1500

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Bhoomi Puja, also known as the groundbreaking ceremony, is a Hindu ritual performed before the construction of any structure on a piece of land. It is conducted to seek the blessings of the Earth Goddess (Bhoomi Devi) and other divine entities for the successful and auspicious beginning of the construction project. The ceremony typically involves the purification of the land, seeking permission from the deities, and offering prayers for protection, prosperity, and harmony. Bhoomi Puja is considered essential to ensure the well-being of the future occupants and the overall success of the construction endeavor.

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Bhoomi Puja, or groundbreaking ceremony, is a Hindu ritual performed before construction. It seeks blessings from Earth Goddess and other deities for auspicious beginnings. The ceremony purifies the land, seeks permission, and offers prayers for protection, prosperity, and harmony, ensuring well-being and success of the project.